Finalists of the Moshiach Chidon program were grilled on their knowledge of Moshiach and Geulah topics at a grand event on Thursday night, and displayed remarkable proficiency in the topics.
Hundreds of bochurim gathered in the Oholei Torah Ballroom on Gimmel Tammuz for a Gala Banquet and Chidon marking the end of the Moshiach Chidon program.
The event included a 4-course banquet the for bochurim who have finished the entire Moshiach Chidon learning curriculum and passed the final test. Their hard work over the past few months has resulted in a deep understanding of Inyonei Moshiach and Geulah, which they demonstrated at this event.
Emceeing the event was Rabbi Mendel Yuzevitch, and the Chidon judges were Rabbi Heschel Greenberg, Rabbi Shloma Majeski, and Rabbi Shalom Zirkind.
A special video presentation showed messages from Rabbi Yosef Yeshaya Braun, Rabbi Gershon Avtzon, Rabbi Yossi Jacobson, Rabbi Yosef Chaim Kantor, Rabbi Yossi Paltiel, and Rabbi Nachman Schapiro.
On stage at the Chidon were delegates from different Yeshivas worldwide, who shown remarkable dedication and determination in their studies. They included Levi Nakeh from Yeshivas Lubavitch Argentina; Moshe Vishedsky from Lubavitch Mesivta of Scottsdale Arizona; Yehuda Leib Weitman from Yeshivas Lubavitch Brazil, Menachem Mendel Eidelman from Yeshiva Ketana Brunoy; Sholom Brashevitzky from Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati; Mendel Mizrachi from Chovevei Torah; Yechiel Piekarski from Mesivta D’Suffield Connecticut; Mendel Sasonkin from Darchei Menachem; Gavriel Noach Halevi Levitin from Mesivta D’Kingston; Shlomo Posner from Yeshivas Ohr Elchonon Chabad Los Angeles; Menachem Mendel Lewis from Lubavitch Yeshiva Ketanah London; Zevy Brusowanken from Klurman Mesivta Miami; Avremel Leverton from Mesivta Lubavitch of Monsey; Eli Uminer from New Haven Mesivta; Shaul Yechezkel Paltiel from Oholei Torah Mesivta; Moshe Hershkop from Mayan Torah Pomona; Chaim Yisroel Sharf from Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim Queens; Shmaya Pruss from Mesivta Lubavitch Toronto; Yosef Deitch from Mesivta Menachem Westchester; and Mendy Andruseir from Bais Menachem Wilkes-Barre.